2023! 525,600 Opportunities to Make Your Life Count

Here we are at the onset of another year, and for many of us, the New Year brings mixed emotions.

For many, it is a time to look back and reflect on what we endured and enjoyed. For others, it is a time to look forward. New Year’s resolutions are made, plans are laid out, and we start making changes to improve ourselves.

Many of the top resolutions include:

★ Losing Weight
★ Eating Healthy
★ Getting more organized
★ Stop drinking
★ Start exercising

Unfortunately, those well-intentioned goals are easily forgotten by Valentine’s Day or St. Patrick’s Day.

I admit I am guilty year in and year out of failing to keep my resolutions. So this year, I am doing something different.

This year my New Year’s Resolution isn’t to look back or forward but to focus on today, each day as they come.

I will take a few minutes each day to pause and reflect on where I am, what I have, and what my intentions are for that day. Life can quickly get overwhelming, and it is important to recognize the moment we live in. I am a caregiver, a nana, a wife, and a friend—just like many of you, and I can’t be everything to everyone all the time. But I can, for a few moments, be something important to someone in my life. Sometimes that is just me.

Life is not made up of grand events or big celebrations. It is built of thousands of little moments where joy and sorrow live in our hearts. Don’t let them drift by. They have great lessons to teach.

I will always have areas to improve my life and continue working on them. But time is fleeting, and I resolve to live the moments and make them count.

May your 2023 be everything you need it to be.

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