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Celebrate Spring Ramps This Year at Ramp up Peninsula

It’s that time of the year again! Ramps are popping up all over Northeast Ohio, and just in time. These much sought-after wild leeks are making their spring debut to the delight of foragers and connoisseurs alike.

If you know what ramps are, then I am sure you are just as excited as I am that the Ramp Up Peninsula is right around the corner. Bring your appetite and friends on April 29th from 11-4 and relish in all things Ramps.

Making up for lost time due to Covid, this year’s festival is pulling out all the stops. Food trucks and cottage food vendors, guided walks, presentations, ramp crafts, and, best of all, RAMPS!

One of the great things about this spring delicacy is its versatility and that the entire plant is edible. I discovered these gems ten years ago when my husband took me foraging, and I have been addicted ever since.

With a taste like garlic and onions, ramps are a spicy addition to salads, and the bulbs are delicious in various recipes. At a prior festival, I purchased a ramp and onion marmalade that brings a savory taste to morning bagels, and I will be looking for some to replenish my cupboards.

Ramps grow in the wild, and it is essential to forage properly. Getting permission from the property owner is first, and then understanding how to harvest is vital to the plant’s longevity. Be respectful and remove only what you will use, leaving some of the bottoms of the bulb part where the roots are so they can grow back. Then replace the dirt you removed the plant from.

But if that sounds like too much work, stop by Ramp Up Peninsula for all your ramp needs.

If you want to know more about ramps and all their benefits, visit Compass Ohio: A Delicious and Healthy Wild Plant Hiding Out on the Forest Floor, and discover what you have been missing.

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