New Nutrition Plan

Success for a New Nutrition Plan Maybe you don’t know. One of the biggest pitfalls people encounter when they start a new nutrition plan is called the “I know” syndrome. Let’s say you’re teaching a beginner how to cook and they keep turning the heat up and burning the food. They keep saying they’re not a good […]
A Spoonful of Sugar

Why is sugar such a big concern of doctors, dietitians, and fitness trainers? Ask any diabetic and they will tell you how bad they feel when their blood sugar is out of control. There are approximately 17 million Americans with some form of diabetes and approximately 6 million of them are unaware that it affects […]
High Intensity Interval Training

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is in absolutely every gym and training facility these days, but because you use the term, doesn’t mean you are doing it correctly. So let’s take a moment to learn what HIIT really is, its benefits, and 3 myths surrounding this training phenomenon. Before zooming in on HIIT, it’s important […]
Back to School Fitness

Summer tends to bring so many changes to our lives. The kids are off school, we have extra hours in our day, the sun and heat makes us just “feel” better, and the vacations and the outdoor adventures are awesome. But it often also means falling off the wagon with our regular fitness routine. Getting […]
Why do weight loss contests not work

I know you’ve seen the latest gym craze with all those contests that swear you’ll have the body you want in just a few weeks… Skinny Jeans, Fat to Fab, Biggest Winner, Biggest Loser, or 21 days to anything you want. And while we’re trolling Pinterest for a double chocolate peanut butter brownie recipe, we’re also […]
Controlling Insulin and Cortisol for Weight Loss

Hormones affect every aspect of how our body functions and carries messages between cells and organs. You are probably familiar with the names of many hormones such as estrogen, testosterone, insulin, thyroid, and cortisol. But if you don’t know what they do and how they work in your body, you may be sabotaging your weight […]
Holiday Food and Weight Gain

For some of us it starts way back at Halloween. Some of us hold strong until closer to Thanksgiving. But for most of us, the holidays aren’t only about friends, family and celebrations, they’re about candy, cookies and desserts! I have a good friend who pointed out something to me while our kids trick-or-treated one […]
Intelligent Fitness North Canton Ohio

I never understood why someone would continue with unhealthy habits, have a heart attack and THEN decide they would begin a workout regimen to become healthy. Or why they would wait until their knees were painful and debilitating, THEN have surgery or rehab. Or why someone ends up with unmanaged Type II diabetes and THEN […]
How to make Container Gardens
By Danielle Wirick, MS, CSCS, FMSC We all know that you can plant the usual tomato or pepper plant in a pot and get it to grow. But don’t be limited in your container gardens. Below are just a few tips and ideas to get your creative juices flowing so you can produce a tasty, […]
Mirroring Behavior
By Danielle Wirick, MS, CSCS, FMSC Have you ever been to an exercise class and had the instructor scratch her head and you instinctively scratch your head too? You see two women talking at lunch and you think that the events being discussed have happened to both of them because their facial expressions, emotions and […]
Characteristics of Healthy People
By Danielle Wirick, MS, CSCS, FMSC As a Personal Fitness Trainer, one of the things new clients often say is that they want to be like or look like some of our other clients. Although that’s a great compliment to my many healthy clients, what so many people don’t understand is that it’s not just […]