Frog Shop Holiday Gift Ideas

Whether your shopping list includes men, women, or children, you will find something for everyone.
Planning Your Flower Garden

It’s a dreary, rainy day and I couldn’t be happier than to allow my mind to wander and put my visions to paper about my flower garden. I LOVE FLOWERS!! Yes, all in capital letters and a two exclamation points kind of love. I grew up with a mom who could grow anything. The conditions […]
Seasoned Firewood is Best

Trees. I seem to write about polarizing topics. Not intentionally. Maybe I just see both sides of the issue; or in this case, the hot and cold of the issue. First, I want to talk fire, Scarecrow. As in firewood. ‘Tis the season to enjoy a hot toddy by the fire or you might even […]
Make Your Own Decorations

I love Christmas! The lights, the sounds, the smells. It is all beautiful to me. However, I know a lot of folks would like to go into hibernation and forget the whole thing. To them, it’s crowded shopping, exhausting hours of decorating, baking…in other words, lots of work and money. I would like to help […]
Fall Checklist for your Lawn and Mower

The temperatures are cooling and the leaves are turning, and families with children are getting back to “normal.” A lot of you would probably like to go back in time and have a spring and summer “do-over.” Let’s do that! We’ll begin this conversation about spring. Are you one of those people who can’t wait […]
How do I make a campfire?

We all have been anxiously awaiting warm weather in our neck of the woods; dreaming of warm summer nights, the sounds of crickets, fireflies twinkling, and sitting beside a crackling fire in our backyard with family and friends. Once the warm weather dream becomes a reality, maybe you have just one other problem. No fire […]
Spring Sprouting

By Kathy Ray Spring! In Ohio, that may need several exclamation points. Miss Spring can be a fickle lady. She gives us a sneak peek and just as quickly, she takes it away. There are plenty of options though to use this time to prepare what you want to see this spring in your flower […]
Goose Control Ideas

Meet Vic When you or your children were little, playing duck, duck, goose was an all-time favorite. However, now as an adult, I bet geese in any form are not on your list of fun. Oh sure, the first time I saw a goose heading to our pond, I was in awe. We all have […]
Ponds In Your Backyard

Fall. Just that one word can conjure up many different emotions in each of us. I, for one, immediately envision the beauty of the season and all the senses it triggers; the color of the leaves, the smell of outdoor firepits, cool crisp mornings and orange pumpkins against the bluest of skies. However, I know […]