Take a step back in time and embrace the pioneer era and feel its rich history through the Algonquin Mill Festival as it brings the 1800s to life. Feel the power of the steam-driven engine in the flour mill and watch the steam traction engine at work turning logs into lumber.
According to the Carroll County Historical Society, the original mill was built in the early 1800s. It and another mill were driven by water from the nearby McGuire Creek. Today’s mill was built in 1826 and was originally operated by water. In 1890 it was converted to steam power. At the mill’s peak, it ground 25 barrels a day of oats, corn, wheat, and buckwheat.

However, the mill closed in 1939, and the steam engine went to fight in WWII. Today the 100-year-old steam engine is used to power the gristmill and grind cornmeal and flour.
With each passing year, the mill has grown into the 75-acre Mill Complex. The pioneer village features two mills, a one-room schoolhouse (the oldest building), a stagecoach inn, a bookstore, an antique print shop, and a New York railroad station featuring an HO model train.
The festival takes place in Carrollton, Ohio on October 7-9, 2022. During the festival’s three-day event, one can experience trade demonstrations such as chair caning, wood carving, broom making, candle dipping, rug making, weaving, saw carvers, blacksmith, and many more.

Walking through the festival aromas of fresh-baked bread, sauerkraut, barbecued chicken, pancakes, and more fill the air. The sauerkraut is an enormous hit for everyone as it sells out before the last day of the festival. Each year, about 9 tons of cabbage is used to make the sauerkraut. As of 2021, the Big Brother and Sisters of Central Ohio are using the sauerkraut as a fundraiser to bring awareness to their program.
Additional Activities
Antique cars and tractors are on display all three days: as well as antique tools, engines, and machinery. High school bands, choirs, bluegrass bands, gospel music, and cloggers provide musical entertainment The children’s area includes pony rides, mini train rides, miniature barn raising, face painting, sand art, and enjoying a variety of farm animals. A church service will be held at 8 am on Sunday.

The Algonquin Mill Festival began in 1971 as a way for the historical society to use the proceeds and pay the loan it took to purchase the 3.8 acres. For more information on the Algonquin Mill Festival and its activities visit http://carrollcountyhistoricalsociety.com/Mill/Millfest.htm.
Carroll County Algonquin Mill Festival Steps Back in Time