Visit Hocking Hills Butterfly Trail, Where Fun and Learning Never Stop

Late spring and into summer butterflies adorn us with their beauty, and the Hocking Hills Butterfly Trail offers the perfect opportunity to discover these magnificent winged creatures.

The trail is open from sunrise to sunset and has 14 stops inviting visitors to learn about the butterfly and their habitats. Guests can discover what butterflies eat, where they live, and more. Each station has a set of butterfly wings to take photos. You can also download a passport and coloring book to commemorate the experience.

Butterflies are found almost worldwide and play an essential role in our environment. Not only are they excellent pollinators supporting the food chain, but they also are key indicators of the health of an environment. A butterfly’s short life span makes them react quickly to environmental changes giving real-time consequences of nature and human’s impact on the earth and its inhabitants.

The Hocking Hills Regional Welcome Center allows visitors to experience the entire lifecycle of monarchs. They begin as young caterpillars feeding in May-August and become chrysalides in late August-October when they emerge as monarchs. Once migration begins, guests can assist in tagging and releasing butterflies. The Butterfly Trail creates a unique visitor experience that makes learning fun. Download a map and passport at Hocking Hills Butterfly Trail to begin your adventure, or stop by the Regional Welcome Center at 13178 State Route 664 S., Logan, Ohio.

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