Looking for a Fishing Spot? Try FishMySpot!
You planned a fruitful day of fishing with your children at a public lake, only to find yourself driving an hour. Your family heads to the shoreline to be greeted by a crowd, in hopes to find the best spot. You cast your line and wait for the fish to bite. Two long hours pass and after catching nothing, you pack your car for the trek home. Does this sound familiar? For us at FishMySpot, it has been a reality too often. After many frustrating trips to public lakes with our young children and simultaneously passing untapped water holes, we knew there had to be a more convenient, accessible, family-friendly option to introduce kids to the sport of fishing. Thus, the erection of FishMySpot.

Our mission at FishMySpot is to help families discover unique fishing experiences while connecting with nature, the community and each other. We connect private pond owners to people looking to fish privately and seeking new experiences.
Our anglers reserve a half or full day fishing spot for a fee. Families and anglers show up and enjoy the catch.
The company has been in existence for a year and a half and has earned close to $30,000 in grants through the state. FishMySpot covers liability insurance, runs the website and keeps 30 percent of the fee from each visit; pond owners set their own price and regulations, such as catch and release, add-on experiences, black-out dates, etc. Pond owners earn 70 percent of the fee. The concept is similar to AirBNB and VRBO, but focused on fishing.

FishMySpot.com has twenty ponds that can be fished. A majority of our ponds are located in northeast Ohio. We are looking to expand in the state, and eventually nationwide. Public lakes are great, but if you are looking to teach your child to fish, farm ponds are better; they are untapped, which means they typically have larger fish. If your child does not catch fish, will he/she want to continue to fish? No, probably not.
FishMySpot is a platform that provides an opportunity for parents and grandparents to get their children off technology and outside. And our ponds are perfect for the enthusiast fishermen/women.
If you are ready to get hooked, check out www.fishmyspot.com or follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
Fish My Spot