Garden of Life

Every so often a name brand carries a following behind it of loyal believers who are truly inspired by the integrity of a company. In this case, it is not solely by the company’s product or service, but by the message it has carried over time. One such enterprise is Garden of Life, which has stood the test of time as a leading brand in the natural products industry.

Faithful supporters have witnessed the brand’s founding father, Jordan Rubin, grow his company from the ground up. At 19 years old, Rubin was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, a debilitating condition which left doctors baffled for a cure. Through hardship and sacrifice his cure, spelled-out in his book The Maker’s Diet, led to a billion-dollar company that’s still growing strong.

Three Key Principles

As the saying goes, people will forget what you did, and forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel. Garden tugs at the heartstrings of its customers with three key principles: whole-food ingredients, product cleanliness and traceability.

This belief system is the vehicle behind customers’ loyalty to the company. The product line mykindOrganics is a prime example of each of these principles. Consisting of a broad range of options, including multivitamins, Vitamins C, D, plant calcium, iron and formulas for adrenals, sleep support and a Hair, Skin and Nails formula, these are the first ever dual certified products in being Certified USDA Organic and Non-GMO Project verified. Using exclusively whole food as the vitamins’ ingredients, shoppers can expect the highest degree of quality that can be found in the supplement aisle.

Garden’s supporters will point out that the vitamins not only tout what ingredients they contain but, more importantly, what substances they’ve left out. The innovative, patent-pending Clean Tablet Technology gives consumers a clear conscience from digesting chemicals that supplements are known to contain, such as carnauba wax and titanium dioxide. mykindOrganics is independently-certified gluten free and vegan, two pathways that focus on requirements and trending preferences of the consumers’ diet.

Finally, the traceability of a product is the degree of transparency in a product’s ingredients from start to finish, or in this case, from seed to final product. An example is Turmeric, an herb that’s typically extracted with alcohol and corn-based solvents during its beginning stages of processing. Garden’s herbs are grown with Non-GMO seeds and free of such extractions.

Product Evolvement

These key ingredients are applied to the vast array of product lines that Garden has to offer. Over time, the brand has shown growth in product categories by evolving through research, consumer dietary trends and innovative purchasing opportunities. Garden’s original product line, Perfect Food, a nutrient-dense greens powder, is followed by probiotics, enzymes, plant, whey and meal replacement powders. In recent months, a new sports line was introduced with pre-workout and recovery powders, and in the new year, a Keto Diet-focused protein and meal-replacement powder line is now available. You can look forward to the up-coming collagen lineup in 2019.

A Local Partner

One of Garden of Life’s long-time retail partners, Raisin Rack, a local natural food grocer in Canton, Ohio, gives praise to three of its most popular products. Garden’s Grass-fed Whey Protein is from a small farm in Ireland where the cows graze freely, uninhibited from digesting genetically-modified food. Raw Fit Protein Powder is a gluten-free, non-GMO verified, USDA organic protein powder, packed with added ingredients to help with weight-loss goals. Garden’s Weight-Loss Protein Bars are a delicious, guilt-free snack that contain only 1g of sugar, 13g of prebiotic fiber and 14g of protein.

Try this recipe using Garden of Life products for a healthy, delicious start to your morning.

Raspberry-Chocolate Delight Breakfast Smoothie


1 cup non-dairy milk, such as almond or cashew
1 scoop chocolate Garden of Life Raw Organic Protein
1 cup frozen raspberries
1 whole banana
1 teaspoon Garden of Life Flaxseed Powder
1 tablespoon almond butter
2 tablespoons raw cacao powder
Dash of cinnamon


Blend all ingredients until smooth.

Garden of Life

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