Peach Melba

Peach Melba


2 medium peaches, peeled, halved and pitted
2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
3 cups raspberries
2 teaspoons sugar
1 – 16 ounce container sugar-free vanilla nonfat frozen yogurt

In medium bowl, toss peaches with lemon juice; set aside. In small bowl, crush half the raspberries; toss with sugar. If desired, microwave on high 1 minute.

Divide the frozen yogurt among 4 dessert dishes. Top with the crushed raspberry mixture, then cap with a peach half; sprinkle with whole raspberries. Serve at once.

Makes 4 servings

Nutrition information per serving:

Calories: 155
Fat: 1 g
Carbohydrates: 39 g
Protein: 5 g

Peach Melba

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