Sandusky County Total Solar Eclipse

A total solar eclipse

Plan now for Ohio’s Total Solar Eclipse, April 8, 2024

By now, many people have probably heard the buzz surrounding the Total Solar Eclipse that will take place in parts of Ohio, including Fremont, Ohio located in Sandusky County, on April 8, 2024. People within a 124-mile-wide band in the state of Ohio will experience a total solar eclipse.

Areas in Ohio that are outside the path of totality will experience a partial eclipse. A total solar eclipse is a rare and spectacular event. On average, one happens somewhere on the Earth only once every 1.5 years. Only 21 total solar eclipses have crossed the lower 48 states in the entire existence of the United States. On that day, “totality” as it is referred to, will enter Ohio around 3:00 p.m. in the southwest corner of the state and will exit the northeast corner around 3:10 p.m. During that time, those in the path of the total solar eclipse will be cast into darkness.

Our entire county will be in the area of totality. Sandusky County will experience 3 minutes 38 seconds of darkness. The last time Ohio saw a total solar eclipse was in 1806. Anyone wishing to view another total solar eclipse in Ohio will have to wait until the year 2444!

What does this rare natural phenomenon mean for Sandusky County and Ohio? More that 70% of the country is within a 1-day drive of Ohio. Because we will be in a high demand viewing area, it is estimated that our county will see a population influx of nearly 118,000 additional people. Over 1 million people are expected to descend on our county and its contiguous counties over that weekend. Of course, this means millions of tourism dollars will pour into our state and region during this time.

Sandusky County and the State of Ohio began planning for this several years ago. The county is diligently working to coordinate entertainment, educational opportunities and lodging options. All plans for the county will be included on the State of Ohio Eclipse website. It will include information on the solar eclipse, an interactive map for searching things to do, areas to view the eclipse and safe ways to view it. Additional information can be found at

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