SARTA Where Can We Take You


By Kristie Petty

Do you wonder…

“Where does SARTA go?” SARTA’s goes to grocery stores, shopping centers, medical facilities, restaurants, schools, the airport, libraries, museums, places of employment and much more. Riders can travel on any of our 32 Fixed Routes in Alliance, Akron, Canton, Cleveland, Hartville, Jackson Township, Louisville, Massillon, North Canton and Uniontown.

For riders with ADA recognized disabilities, SARTA operates a countywide service (Proline) that picks riders up at a point of origin and takes them to their desired destination.

“What routes go where?” Many Fixed Routes connect cities together and some circulate within a specific city. Here are a few routes and some of the places they go.

Route 4 connects to the American Legion, Wade Park Veterans Hospital and Downtown Cleveland.

Route 81 connects Canton to the Belden Village area, The Akron-Canton Airport and Downtown Akron.

Route 102 connects to the Massillon Library and Museum and Canton Centre Mall.

Route 108 connects to the Palace Theater, Civic Center, Cultural Center, Stark County District Library Main, Walsh University and Washington Square.

Route 117 connects to the Pro Football Hall of Fame and McKinley Main Campus, Mercy Medical, Stark County Fairgrounds, Stadium Park and Westbrook Park.

Route 120 connects to the Belden Village Mall, surrounding shopping plazas, Stark State, Kent State’s Stark Campus and American National University.

Route 121 connects to The Strip Shopping Center, Movies 10, Mercy Medical Work Health and Safety/Stat Care, Aultman North Center and Tinseltown Movie Theater.

Route 125 connects Massillon to the Belden Village area and services Affinity Medical Center, Aultman West, Brown Mackie College, Jackson High School and Library, the David YMCA of Jackson Township, the Massillon Recreation Center and Regal Cinemas.

Route 126 connects to the Stark Parks Lake Avenue trail heads and Towpath Trail.

Routes 130, 131 and 132 connect to Glamorgan Castle, the Alliance Hospital, Mount Union University, Rodman Library and Carnation Mall
Route 139 connects to Canton, Louisville, Alliance, Stark County District Library – Madge Youtz Branch, Louisville High School and Stadium, Wilson Park and Constitution Park.

For more information on SARTA routes go to To plan a trip using SARTA, use SARTA’s PinPoint or Google Transit.

“Who rides the bus?” Riders could be your neighbor, co-worker or the lady behind you in line at the grocery store.

“How is SARTA funded?” SARTA is funded by a ¼% Sales Tax, Federal Grants, bus fares, contracts with agencies and the State of Ohio. About 80% of SARTA’s operating expenses are covered by the sales tax revenue. SARTA must renew the sales tax every five years, otherwise we would not be able to provide quality, reliable transportation to Stark County residents.
SARTA Where Can We Take You

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