Spartan Race Discounts and News

Photo by SpartanRace The Spartan Race left me practically begging for mercy, but the smile on my face in the finish line photo above shows that it was an overall enjoyable and unforgettable experience. The Spartan Race was a challenge in every sense of the word – a challenge I am willing to take on again!

For those who do not know, the Spartan Race is a well-established obstacle race series designed to push your limits, test your strength, and challenge your endurance. There are dedicated followers both nationally and internationally who travel to compete in these epic events year-round.

In 2014, the race made its first appearance in Ohio in Cumberland (near Zanesville) in Guernsey County.

On May 30, 2015, the Spartan Race Ohio will return (at the same location in Cumberland)! OHventures will also return to tackle all of the mud, obstacles, and burpees that will make up the grueling course.

Because we love our readers so much, we are providing a 10% OFF DISCOUNT CODE FOR ANY Spartan Race event. Simply enter the following code when registering:


Please FOLLOW @OHventures on Twitter to catch details on our GIVEAWAY for a FREE ENTRY into the OHIO SPARTAN RACE. Tweets will start popping up during the month of February explaining how you can WIN!

There is also a TON of great news coming your way from our friends at Spartan Race.

First, the 2015  Season Pass has been released with lots of great perks! True Spartans don’t have limits. Join now for unlimited racing, special travel discounts and more. A no-brainer for those training for a TRIFECTA in 2015. Perks include: free bag check, 1 year of Global Rescue access, the opportunity to race any heat, including Elite with no extra charge, and discounts on hotels, rental cards, and more.

Second, the 2015 Spartan Race World Championship will take place on October 3 at a NEW location – the legendary Squaw Valley in Lake Tahoe. This epic venue hosted the 1960 Olympic Winter Games. Now, the world’s best athletes will collide on the course to become the Spartan Race World Champion!
Third, the first ever Spartan Cruise is coming! Sand, surf and obstacles await you on this one of a kind Spartan adventure. Join fellow Spartans March 6-9, 2015 when you’ll be taken on a cruise liner from the Port of Miami to Great Stirrup Cay, Bahamas for a first of it’s kind Spartan Sprint! Can you say, “Best. Vacation. EVER!?” Don’t Miss the Boat – Cabins are selling fast.With all of this great and exciting news, you HAVE to become a Spartan in 2015! What are you waiting for? SPARTAN UP!
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