Imagine relaxing in the warm water, the jets massaging your tired muscles, as you watch the snow softly falling all around. Think an outdoor spa would not be used during the winter months? Think again. It’s one of the best times of the year to enjoy a spa. In fact, owners say they use their outdoor spa during the winter months as much or more than they do in warmer weather.
A spa can benefit both the body and the mind. Users experience better sleep after soaking before bedtime. Endorphins are released and the heat increases blood flow resulting in stress relief. Sports enthusiasts report less muscle and joint soreness the next day when they soak in the spa after a game or workout. Spa therapy is often recommended for knee and back problems, reducing the need for pain medications. Arthritis sufferers know that regular spa sessions give their joints strength and flexibility by providing warmth, massage and buoyancy.
Can’t get to the gym for your workout? You can turn your spa into an aquatic gym. You will find that you can complete numerous exercises using shoulders, core, arms, and legs in the warm water. Torso twists, squats and stretching can all be accomplished in the spa. Another benefit, after your exercise routine, you are already there for a good long soak to relax those muscles and destress.
The spa will also be a family gathering area. What better place to share the events of the day than a totally relaxing atmosphere.
With two area locations, Ferrall Pools & Spas has a large selection of spas in all sizes and shapes. For more information, visit their website at
Spas for the Winter Months
By Trish Mann
Whether it’s whiskey warming you to your soul or a craft beer enjoyed by a roaring fire, the best winter drinks in Knox County at these local spots have everything you need to confront the winter season with open arms.