Looking ahead to the coming months, you can learn about nature while you enjoy yourself at the following events scheduled for the Adult Education Program series.
Wine and Wilderness at Troutman Vineyards

Join Wilderness Center naturalist Carrie Elvey at the beautiful Troutman Vineyards in Wayne County and discover Ohio’s wildlife. Have a glass of wine and enjoy the program in front of the fire. A $10 fee includes one glass of wine and all proceeds benefit The Wilderness Center. Limited seating is available. Please call The Wilderness Center to reserve a spot.
February 14, 2018 – The Birds and The Bees – Yes, you read that right! This program is a light-hearted look at the romantic lives of animals. For example, did you know that city birds sing shorter courtship songs than country birds? This program is rated pg-13.
March 14, 2018 – Ohio’s Bears – Black Bears are making a comeback in Ohio. Learn about their biology, natural history, and why they are calling Ohio home once again.
April 11, 2018 – A Feathered Nest – Birds are doting parents and care for their young in some remarkable ways. Discover the ways birds protect their unhatched young and how even egg shape can influence survival.
Nature Study Series – The Lives of Plants

Plants touch every aspect of our lives. They provide us with food, shelter, beauty and the air we breathe. They have killed kings and saved millions. This series explores the plants, both large and small, that grow in our backyards, impact our lives, and shape history. Classes are $10 each or enjoy the entire 6-part series for $45. Call TWC to pre-register and get your ticket. Series tickets are transferable; if you miss a class, you can send a neighbor to take notes for you. Classes will be held at Local Roots in Wooster on February 15 & 22, March 1, 22 & 29, and April 5, 2018. They will also be at David YMCA in Jackson Township on February 20 & 27, March 6 & 27, and April 3 & 10, 2018.
The Wilderness Center Wilmont Ohio