Spring is the time when all things old become new again. It is also the time when most of us seriously reconsider our New Year’s resolutions of losing weight, eating right, and getting serious about work-life balance. The glimpse of the beautiful weather gives us a taste of the possible benefits that could come “if I only.”
No truer words have been spoken.
We are not all made the same
- Some of us have fast metabolisms. Some have slower ones.
- Some of us have good role models. Some don’t.
- Some of us have financial resources. Some don’t.
- Some of us think strategically. Some think tactically. Some don’t think at all
- Some of us have more willpower. Some have less strength of purpose.
- Some of us see the glass half full. Some of us see the glass half empty.
- Because we are not built the same, we don’t see challenges and tasks the same ways.
The truth is easier than you think
- If you have a slower metabolism, read up on how you can speed it up.
- If you don’t have a good role model, ask someone who’s been good to you to help or better yet, be one yourself. The goodness you put out into the world will come back tenfold.
- If you don’t have financial resources, hustle, and pick up a side job. There are lots of jobs you can do from home or while bingeing your favorite series.
- There is nothing wrong with the way you think. We have dreamers and planners among us. We need both to realize the vision.
- Some of us merely need an attitude adjustment. Ask yourself is this going to matter in 5 years? 95% of the time the answer is no. This is merely a storm you must push through.
- The truth is easier than you may think to get to the right mental space. Begin with a gratitude
- journal.
Why are you thankful?
I write in my gratitude journal every morning after my daily devotionals. It’s as simple as….
Today, I am thankful for knowing that Spring is on the way.
I write down 3 things every day.
- They could be related to my devotional reading.
- They could be simple.
- They could be complex.
- They could be something that has meaning only to me.
When you begin writing down what you are grateful for, you realize how blessed, not lucky, you really are upon reflection.
When you take inventory of your blessings, the noise that clouds your thinking, that clouds your judgment, and other things that don’t matter begin to fall away.
This in turn allows you to begin to plot your path to a fresh start, a new awakening. Spring, a new you, is just the beginning of a new season in your life.
Check out New Year’s Resolutions: Keeping Them Real and Keeping It Going for more ways to stay on track this Spring.