Spring Cleaning Your Time

On January 1 most people set out to accomplish a goal. They are so determined to make this the year that they lose weight, save money, read more books, spend more time with family, etc. So why does December 31 roll around and most people haven’t accomplished their resolutions? It is for lack of determination? […]

When to say sorry

By Kim Wagler, BA, CPT First of all, I want to say I am sorry for the article you are about to read. I hope I don’t offend any of you. I feel the need to share this topic and I hope that some of you will benefit from it. If this isn’t something you […]

Is Your Fitness Trending

By Kim Wagler, BA, CPT The fitness industry has absolutely exploded over the last decade. Nationwide chains are popping up on every corner. Privately owned one-man shows are appearing in someone’s garage or a friend’s office building. There are now corporate wellness options as well as big box gyms starting to “specialize” in small group […]

Holiday Swap Ideas

By Kim Wagler, BA, CPT With the commitment to surviving the holidays I want to really impress upon you the importance of portion control. You can trade out as many dishes as you want but without controlling those portions, you will still gain weight. That being said, I would like to share with you some […]

Healthier School Year

  By Kim Wagler, BA, CPT We’ve all said it: “But my kid is a picky eater!” And you’re right!. Most kids aren’t excited about a cold piece of grilled chicken breast, hummus and veggies, and a piece of fruit for lunch. If you do have a child who enjoys that, wait until they sit […]

Beginners Fitness Program

by Kim Wagler, BA, CPT Have you decided that you are ready to begin a fitness program for the very first time or get back into exercising after a short reprieve? Follow the steps below to avoid injuries and burnout. Step 1: Set a goal. The #1 reason people fail when beginning a fitness program […]

Thyroid Problems? What to look for.

  So you’ve been working out hard and not seeing the results you want. Have you ever wondered what is happening in that wonderful little body of yours? Some of you may have heard that the thyroid can cause metabolic conditions resulting in weight loss, weight gain, and a host of other issues. The American […]