Clean Your Body of Toxins


By Doug Kish, M.A.

For many individuals, a new start in 2016 will be a goal of better health and weight loss. One way to jump start a weight loss program is a cleanse. While cleansing detoxifies the body as it provides antioxidants and vitamins needed to clear out environmental and industrial toxins, it is a great way to start a diet.

Previously we told you about Diaita Cold Pressed Juice who opened their doors in 2015. Diaita offers many options including 1, 3, 5 and 7-day cleanses using juices made of only organic raw ingredients and no GMO products or additives. One option is geared towards beginners and aimed at weight loss. Another is for more experienced cleansers. It is vegetable based and low in calories and carbs. A third cleanse option allows you to choose your own juices.

Jonathan Uber, a Diaita customer, commented, “The juice from Diaita has been exceptional. I am in my fourth day of a juice cleanse and I feel great. I have a clear mind, am sleeping much better and am already down ten pounds.” Other users reported avoiding the need for diabetes medication by reducing blood sugar levels, improvements in their skin, and alleviating hot flashes.

The period of time for a cleanse depends on the desired result. A 3-day cleanse will reset the digestion and elimination systems, while a 5-day cleanse can rid your system of toxins, boosting energy and mental clarity. The longer 7-day cleanse maximizes all benefits and fills the body with nutrients.

For more information about cleanse products and all of their juices, visit the Diaita website at

Clean Your Body of Toxins

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