Are those New Year’s resolutions already in the trash? Don’t feel bad! A recent US News and World Report study found that 80% of those who make resolutions at the start of the year give up by mid-February. Some psychologists say that the size of the resolution is what trips us up, but what if it’s the time of year we’re making them that’s the real problem? We’re trained to start fresh lives and goals with the start of the traditional calendar year, but what about aligning our goals with the seasonal year instead?
New Year New ti(Me)
Raise your hand if you’ve ever been personally victimized by seasonal depression. There’s a reason many practitioners refer to seasonal affective disorder by its acronym, S.A.D.: because that’s what most of us are in the Winter. The sun is out less, we’re spending more time indoors, and we feel unmotivated, which is not conducive to setting new goals. Winter is a time for hibernation, to rest and focus our energy inward. We already mimic our eating habits after animals who hibernate – I do not think it’s a coincidence that all the great eating holidays are in the colder months – so why not recharge like them, too?
The most common New Year’s resolutions, healthier lifestyles, happier lifestyles, and losing weight, are all centered around the joy that comes from the shift to spring. According to Psychology Today, “the absence of [S.A.D.] removes the insistent cravings for sweet junk food, and salads and strawberries become more attractive than Twinkies.” There’s also a correlation between the increase in excitement for exercise and the change in season!
Rest, Recharge, Redo Those Resolutions

Springtime is all about rebirth! Realigning our goals for the spring is the perfect way to stay motivated and productive. Prior to the industrialization of society, the Spring Equinox was celebrated as the beginning of a new astrological year. The few rituals that have withstood the shift in culture – I’m looking at you, spring cleaning – revolve around cleansing the spirit and the home of the gloominess from the departing darkness. While we no longer need to scrub layers of oil lamp residue from our houses, we can harness the energy from the equinox to carry us through the rest of the year.
Let your goals truly bloom this year by replanting your intentions with the Spring Equinox on March 19th!
Visit Compass Ohio for information on how to get outside and enjoy springtime in Ohio and beyond.