As the sun slips beyond the horizon
We note the ever-increasing hour
Of darkness’s creeping intrusion.
September’s call is bidding summer’s goodbye.
Till once again, her summer sun warms the sky—Trish Mann
Photo by Marina Montoya on Unsplash
September is upon us, and the signs are everywhere. High school football is filling the stands, leaves are getting ready for their annual kaleidoscope of color, the night air is losing its heaviness, and the squirrels and chipmunks scurry to bury their winter feasts.
I always loved this time of the year. For many of us, It is a return to school, work, and sports schedules. For others, it represents the loss of the carefree days of summer sipping lemonade.
I love September for what she brings and what she leaves.
The cooling temperatures give way to days of exploring our stunning parks, stopping by farmers’ markets to enjoy the last of summer’s bounty, and spending the evenings sitting around backyard fires sharing stories with friends.
The skies are the bluest blue, and clouds of cotton float aimlessly across the sky. To the delight of birdwatchers, of which I am, the hummingbirds, vireos, and flycatchers are among the birds sharing their remaining time with us here in Ohio. Everywhere I look, the colors are more vibrant, the sounds are crisper, and the air just a bit softer.
Before we know it, the wind will bite, and the snow will fly. September offers us one more chance to step outside without a coat or sweater, inhale the last of summer’s breath, and feel her warmth upon our skin.