Be Thankful for the Small Things

The average Joe does not usually get a chance to celebrate. We get stuck in our routine and we forget to be thankful and celebrate the small things. Finding a few bucks in your wallet. Getting a nice note from your spouse. No matter what it is, it’s important to remember the little victories. Holidays […]

3 Tips for Strengthening Your Relationship

Relationships are tough. Everyone knows that. Even the best relationship can have difficulty. I’ve always said that if you’re not arguing with your partner about something, then you’re not being honest. That doesn’t mean you should always be arguing. It just means that at some point, you’re going to disagree about something that each of […]

Choosing Happiness

I believe that happiness is a choice. Truth be told, as a therapist and a person, one of my core beliefs is that almost everything is a choice. Things are rarely thrust upon us without us having some say in the matter. Now, we may like the options we have to choose from. Maybe all […]

Work Out Your Mind

Everyone wants to feel good. That’s why we work out. We want our bodies to look and feel good. If you eat right and work out, you’re going to look and feel better. You can implement the same principles with your mental health. By “working out” your mind, you’ll begin to think, feel, and act […]

Connecting with Nature Can Improve Your Mental Health

“COMPASS CARES BLOG” We’re all so busy and connected that few of us take time to “stop and smell the roses.” I mean this in a literal sense. When was the last time you went somewhere without your iPhone or decided to do something that forced you to be present? I think most of us […]